Saturday, February 26, 2011

Comments for Kids #1, #2, and #3

For my first "Comments for Kids" I was assigned to Mrs. White's fourth grade class in Crozet, Virginia. Mrs. White is a passionate teacher and you can tell that she has a heart for her children. I commented to Eli's blog. In his blog, he writes about water war games and the winner would receive ten dollars. Eli describes his games using water noodles, water guns, and water soccer. I enjoyed reading his post and as I read his other post, it was apparent that he has a great passion for writing.

My Comment to Eli: I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange's class. I really enjoyed reading your post. I love water games and you gave me some great ideas on new games that I could play. I look forward to hearing more from you and thanks for the post.

My second "Comments for Kids" I was assigned to Mr. St. Pierre's class. He is a 5th grade teacher at Terryville Elementary School in New York State. I was assigned to comment to Michael's blog. Michael's blog was about how he liked to play with Lego's and how he loved to build cool stuff with the Lego's

My Comment to Michael: I am a student at the Univesity of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama in Dr. Strange's class. I agree with you that Lego's are cool. I have a nephew that is always playing with Lego's and making the biggest mess throughout the house. I also enjoy building things with him because you don't realize all of the cool things you can build. I really enjoyed reading your post and keep on writing.

For my last "Comments for Kids" I was assigned to Hope a fifth year student from Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand in Mr. Chris Mark's class. For her post she had a picture of herself titled, "This is Me." It is so great what these students are doing at such a young age.

My Comment to Hope: I am a student from the University of South Alabama in the United States. I am an Elementary Education major in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I think it is great that you have your own blog. Technology is great and it is so cool that we can communicate with each other from opposite sides of the world. I wish you all the best of luck in continuing your education.

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